Tuesday, February 19, 2008


we have been sick since christmas. but the culmination of our sicknesses came while i was away in missouri. harrison was complaining that he had trouble breathing. maizie called the pediatritian and had about two hours before he could be seen. harrison's complaining got to the point she dropped everything and took off, luck for us. after 5 minutes in the car harrison stopped breathing and began kicking the window trying to get air. maizie saw the instacare and pulled right in. she carried him in and everyone dropped what they were doing and began working on him. they called the ambulance immediately. a brother in the lobby was able to give him a priesthood blessing. and he was rushed to Utah Valley. there where about 12 doctors and nurses that saw him in the emergency room. it was the crupe, he was admitted and stayed there tuesday, wednesday and was release thursday afternoon. we took him back thursday night because he was having trouble again but he came home that night. we are so blessed to still have him with us. everything worked out. he still has alittle trouble breathing and is forced to whisper, something new for him.

he knows how to make the most of a bad situation.

the pediatric wing was better than home with every video game console known to man. Harrison i have cookies for you! really, cookies, and candy!

one of the great nurses at utah valley. harrison really seems to like her.


Nick + Liz said...

Scary. I am glad he is okay.

Amy said...

Very scary. Hope he's feeling better.